Saturday, December 19, 2009

If You Judge People...

“If you judge people, then you have no time to love them.” ~ Mother Theresa.

I read this comment this morning and it resonated to me on so many levels.

Very recently, I let go of a many years friendship. Among other reasons, I never felt quite loved by this person because without fail, there was always some criticism of me, who and what I was and how I did things. I should dye my hair; my house wasn’t tidy enough; I was crazy for liking a person; I dressed the wrong way, I liked the wrong things. All of it designed to infer that she knew better than me. For years I had thought I imagined it or that perhaps I was being too sensitive. Yet, every time this person left I had the vague sense that I was missing something.

In some ways letting go was an easy thing to do once I realized it had to be done. Fortunately, some chaotic energy presented itself and I was able to walk away from this person with her believing it was she who was abandoning me. There remained, however, a few lingering doubts for a couple of weeks. It was not until I learned this person said many hurtful things about me, some of which were outright lies, to a mutual friend that I realized I had no cause to feel one iota of remiss because the friendship was over. I was far better off without this person in my energy.

It took me many years to get to this point. Why? Because it was all so small, seemingly innocent and comments here and there that I wrote off as constructive criticism. This person claimed to love me. I couldn’t even consider that the hurtful things about who I was and how I was were said in anything other than love. But, a small trickle of water when combined with other small trickles of water becomes a mighty river. In the end, I realized that the criticisms that were spoken were not about me, but about fear of things different than her. Anything different than her understanding, choice or belief was ultimately labeled negative, even if at first I was assured the liberty to feel the way I felt about things.

It was a respected colleague's comments on a situation she was dealing with and posted the above quote that inspired me to delve into deeper levels of cognitive understanding.

Thank you Goddess for allowing me to have this experience.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Stones and Crystals

I have often said that over the course of decades spirit has brought me new tools, information and illumination into spirituality. I recently came to the realization that over the decades, spirit has been bringing me a skill that has really begun to come to the forefront: Stones and crystals. I never really got into them in the beginning. Oh yes, back in the 80’s I bought the obligatory generator quartz crystal and over the years picked up a piece of turquoise here and a piece of amethyst or rose quartz there, but I never really understood the uses and power of these gems. The overwhelming majority of stones and crystals made their way to me as gifts like the 2lb hunk of pink calcite I have on my entertainment unit, the raw celenite wand underneath my computer monitor and my trusty blue kyanite blade I use to balance after a difficult reading. Spirit works in mysterious ways sometimes.

Although I had begun collecting and receiving stones and crystals for decades, I never understood the power of them until 2002. I had made my way down to a friend’s home in Maryland. I had always known Laura was a nurse and healer who worked with crystals but I never understood the extent until she pulled out this huge case containing all sorts of crystals. I shared with her that I was having trouble balancing and keeping centered in the energies in NYC in the months after 9/11. She pulled out her case a blade of blue kyanite and handed me. As I closed my hand around the blade, I immediately felt all my energies zero out and come back to center. This stone is still my favorite and has a permanent home on my computer desk. Through her I began to understand the power of these gems of the earth. In the years since, information has come my way through chance and my seeking out information. Thankfully I am the proud owner of the “Love is In the Earth” series which is considered to be the Gray’s Anatomy of stones and crystals.

In the coming weeks, I will choose certain stones to write about and hopefully provide pictures of these stones and crystals.

Blessings to you and yours.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Ever have one of those days where you just don’t feel like your feet are connecting to the ground and every thought you have appears to fly off into the ethers? Is everything moving so fast you feel like you might stumble? Maybe its time to do some grounding exercises.

Everybody talks about grounding, but no one really tells you how to do it. It is important to learn and an integral part of progressing spiritually and psychically. Although there are many methods, the easiest one is by focusing on parts of your body starting with your feet.

Sit or lay down in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take one deep breath, hold it for a count of three and then slowly blow it out through pursed lips. Do this two more times. Quiet your mind by focusing on your body. How does it feel, cold, warm, tense, and achy? Change your focus to your feet. How do they feel? Are they cold? Tingling? Continue to focus on your feet and imagine them surrounded by a warm and golden light. Feel the warm warmth and energy of that light flood into each of your toes and move up into your feet you focus on it. Once you have identified this, move up to your calves and do the same continuing up your body until you reach the top of your head. Do this slowly and with care. Don’t skip steps. Take the time you need. Once you reach the top of your head take a few moments to enjoy the sense of wellbeing you have once grounded to this beautiful earth plane.

Have a blessed day.

Here’s a list of focus flow you might find helpful:

Buttocks and Hips
Upper Arms
Top of Head

Friday, June 12, 2009

Read My Pic

Recently, I joined an endeavor called People can load up pictures of themselves, loved ones, animals, locations and a group of absolutely awesome readers will take a look at let people know what they see. If the client would like to know more, they can contact individual readers for hire.

Picture psychometry has always been part of my face to face readings, but I have always been able to hold the picture. That’s what psychometry is about, holding an object and reading the energies. I have often seen spirit and other images in pictures, but this is the first time I’m working to pick up energies from people in pictures without actually holding the picture. There are quite a few smudgy fingerprints on my computer screen because I find myself reaching out to touch the image to gain more information. I must admit, it took me a bit to get going, but now that I have I am having a great time. No clients yet, but I believe they will come.

There’s a spot for everyone to make comments. Come join in the fun. Try your hand. Look at the picture and see what comes to mind. Touch the image and try to discern what energies you pick up.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Speaking with Spirit

I’m very excited. Tonight I will be a guest on Tarot By Misha’s radio show on The Mix Talk. I will be sharing a three-part series class I have previously taught in live session: Speaking with Spirit.

It is a class on how to begin and cultivate communication with your spiritual guides. I share my personal experiences and how spirit brought me tools to sharpen my listening skills and bring to me a broader understanding of how spirit communicates.

If you’d like to listen in via computer go to at 9pm Eastern Standard time and click on the link to listen in.

I would love to hear your experiences and questions about learning to speak with spirit during the show.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Ghost In Tant Selma's House

My great Aunt, Selma, was a feisty old woman who we called Tant (Tant means Aunt in Swedish). Tant Selma lived in this big old mansion in Sharon Hill, PA. The house was originally built sometime in the mid-1800’s and was a fascinating house full of all sorts of nifty things like a grand ball room with floors so slick with wax you could slide skate on them in your stocking feet. It had gables and a widow’s walk on the top of the room where you could see for miles! It also had hidden rooms and hallways just perfect for games of hide and seek.

The first time I remember visiting her I was about 7 years old. She put my sister and I in the same bedroom somewhere on the third floor. One day, while my mother and sister were shopping, I went upstairs to do something. While working at a desk with a mirror in front of it, I glanced up and saw my sister with her long dark blond hair parted in the middle. I assumed that she and my mother came back early from shopping. Or, so I thought…

I started to talk to her, asking her questions about how shopping was. She never answered me but every time I glanced up into the mirror I saw her sitting there on the bed looking at me. Finally, in a fit of frustration, I turned around to look at her directly and angrily demand to know why she was ignoring me. When I turned around, she wasn’t there!

I sat and looked at the bed. I was dumbfounded for a few moments. I wondered how she could have exited the room because the door was right next to me. As I sat there, looking between the bed and the door I felt this freezing cold chill run up my left arm. Like fingers stroking my arm. The sensation made me propel myself out of the room, tear down the stairs, screaming at every step.

As I flew into the kitchen, Tant Selma set calmly at the table, with her arms open to receive this hysterical child. After she calmed me down with some hugs and kisses, I asked her what it could have been. She looked at me and said, “There are things in old houses we just can’t explain”. As she got up to get me some milk and cookies she commented over her shoulder… “I don’t think we should tell your mother about this…”